» Roll-up Door Installation Services for Your Garage LA

At Schneider Garage Door Inc, we believe that a high-quality garage door will increase your property value, maintaining security, and providing energy-saving benefits for your residence. We offer roll-up door installation in San Fernando, CA. We can help you with your roll-up door needs, such as installing a new roll-up door, repairing your existing roll-up door, and maintenance on roll-up doors, including security gates, fire doors, and more. We can perform your annual roll-up fire door testing and other related concerns.

Sometimes, your high-speed roll-up doors need expert repairs — our experienced team can help. We can perform the necessary loading dock door repairs and roll-up door repairs and get your doors back in good working order in no time.

Security Roll-Up Door Installation

If security is critical to you, it is a priority for us also. The compact storage of a security rolling door and optional security features make it a convenient tool for keeping inventory and warehouse property safe. Essential pass operation and cylinder locks are some of the door’s safety features. To protect from any unintentional engagement, brake mechanisms have been installed. Among the many security feature options, you will also find safety sensors with guards and motorized control panels.

Metal Roll-Up Door Installation

Metal roll-up doors, including high-speed, have a high capacity for maintenance-free cycles. They also provide great value in high-traffic areas. Less time waiting on a door to cycle means more time for workplace productivity. It also means less time for warm or cool air to escape, reducing wide fluctuations in building temperatures and increasing energy costs. This opportunity for increased productivity and decreased cost makes these doors well worth consideration for your next roll-up door replacement.

Whether you need a new garage door repair or installation services, consider contacting Schneider Garage Door Inc now to experience the difference!
